Reuter, H.I., Rodriguez Lado, L., Hengl, T., Montanarella,L. (2009) Using DSM data for modeling wind erosion events - bridging the gap between DSM and DSA. (accepted) Developments in Soil Science, Springer Publisher


Rodriguez Lado, L., Hengl, T., Reuter, H.I (2008) Heavy metals in European soils: a geostatistical analysis of the FOREGS Geochemical database. Geoderma, 148(2), 189-199.

Carre,F., Reuter, H.I., Daroussin, J., Scheurer,O. (2008) From a Large to a Small Scale Soil Map: Top-Down Against Bottom-Up Approaches. in Digital Soil Mapping with Limited Data, edited by Hartemink,A. McBratney,A., Mendonca-Santos, M., Publisher: Springer Science p.203-212, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8591-8

Hengl,T., Bajat,B. Blagojević, D. Reuter,H.I. (2008) Geostatistical modeling of topography using auxiliary maps Computers & Geosciences,  34(12), 1886-1899 

Funk, R., Reuter, H. I., Hoffmann, C., Engel, W., Öttl, D. (2008) Effect of moisture on fine dust emission from tillage operations on agricultural soils. - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.33 (12): 1851-1863

Reuter,H.I. Hengl,T. Gessler,P and Soille,P. (2008) Preparation of DEMs for geomorphometric analysis in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459

Reuter,H.I. Nelson A. (2008) Geomorphometry in ESRI Packages&xnbsp; in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459

Nelson,A. Reuter,H.I. Hengl,T. Gessler,P(2008) DEM production methods and sources in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459

Reuter,H.I. Kersebaum, K.C. (2008) Application in Precision Agriculture in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459

Gessler,P. Pike,R. MacMillan,R.A. Hengl,T., Reuter,H.I. (2008) The future of geomorphometry in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459


Reuter,H.I. Nelson,A. Jarvis,A. (2007)&xnbsp; An Evaluation of Void-filling Interpolation Methods for SRTM Data - International Jounral of Geographical Information Science, Vol.21, No.9, pages 983-1008

Hengl,T. Toomanian,N Reuter,H.I. and Malakouti,M. (2007) Methods to interpolate soil categorical variables from profile observations: Lessons from Iran GeodermaVolume 140, Issue 415, Pages 417-427

Bronstert, A., Kolokotronis, V., Schwandt, D. & Straub, H. (2007) Comparison and evaluation of regional climate scenarios for hydrological impact analysis: General scheme and application example. - Int. J. Climatol. 27, 1579-1594.


Reuter,H.I., Wendroth,O. and Kersebaum, K.C. (2006), Optimisation of relief classification for different levels of generalisation Geomorphology, Volume 77, Issues 1-2, Pages 79-89

Deumlich,D., Kiesel,J., Thiere,J., Reuter,H.I., Völker,L. and Funk,R. (2006) Application of the SIte COmparison Method (SICOM) to assess the potential erosion risk — a basis for the evaluation of spatial equivalence of agri-environmental measures CATENAVolume 68, Issues 2-331 D Pages 141-152

Giebel,A Wendroth,O Reuter,H.I. Kersebaum,K.C. Schwarz,J. (2006) How representatively can we sample soil mineral nitrogen? Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 169,1 52-59

Funk,R. Reuter,H.I. (2006) Wind Erosion in Europe. In: Soil Erosion in Europe edited by J.Boardman und J. Poesen, Publisher J.Wiley

Bronstert, A., Kolokotronis, V., Schwandt, D. & Straub, H. (2006): Vergleich und hydrologische Wertung regionaler Klimaszenarien für Süddeutschland. - Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 50, H. 6, 2006, 270-287.


Reuter,H.I. Kersebaum,K.C. and Wendroth,O (2005) Modeling of solar radiation influenced by topographic shading––evaluation and application for precision farming Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/CVolume 30, Issues 1-3Pages 143-149

Reuter,H.I., Giebel,A., Wendroth,O. (2005) Can landform stratification improve our understanding of crop yield variability? Precision Agriculture ,6 p.521-537

Kersebaum,K.C., Lorenz,K., Reuter, H.I., Schwarz,J., Wegehenkel,M.and Wendroth,O. (2005) Operational use of agro-meteorological data and GIS to derive site specific nitrogen fertilizer recommendations based on the simulation of soil and crop growth processes Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/CVolume 30, Issues 1-32005, Pages 59-67


Schmidt, R., Deumlich, D. Reuter,H.I. (2004) From point over regions to the landscape- spatial generalisation in the soil landscape research. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Vol. 50(3) p.241-257

Deumlich, D., Funk, R., Kiesel, J. Reuter, H.I., Thiere,J. & Voelker,L. (2004) >Application of the site comparison method (VERMOST) to assess the potential erosion risk as a basis to examine instruments of environmental policy – the example of Brandenburg. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Vol. 50(3), p.259-271

Deumlich, D., VölKer,L., Reuter, H.I. (2003) Nutzung von Bodendaten in verschiedenen Skalen für Wassererosionsmodelle. Zeitschrift für Landnutzung und Landentwicklung, 5, p.195-201.


Kersebaum, K. C., Giebel, A., Lorenz, K., Reuter, H.I., Schwarz, J., Wendroth, O. (2003) Site specific nitrogen fertilization recommendations based on simulation In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.309-314 Germany.

Reuter,H.I., Wendroth,O.,Kersebaum, K.C., Schwarz, J. (2003) MOSAIC: Crop Yield Observation – Can landform stratification improve our understanding of crop yield variability? In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.579-584, Germany.

Wendroth, O., Kersebaum, K.C., Reuter, H.I., Giebel, A., Wypler, N., Heisig, M., Schwarz, J., and Nielsen, D.R. (2003) MOSAIC: Crop yield prediction – compiling several years’ soil and remote sensing information In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.723-729, Germany.


Wendroth, O., Reuter,H. I., Kersebaum,K.C. (2003) Predicting Yield of Barley across a Landscape: a State-Space Modelling Approach. Journal of Hydrology, 272: 250-263.

Kersebaum, K. C., reuter,H.I., Lorenz,K., Wendroth, O. (2002) Modelling crop growth and nitrogen dynamics for advisory purposes regarding spatial variability. In: L. Ahuja, L. Ma & T. Howell (eds.): Agricultural system models in field research and technology transfer. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, 227 - 250.


Kersebaum, K.C., Lorenz,K.,Wendroth,O., Reuter,H.I., Schwarz,J.& Jürschik,P. (2001) Effects of site specific nitrogen fertilization on nitrogen leaching - comparison of different strategies in arable fields based on observations and simulations. - In: Third European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 18-20, 2001, Montpellier, France, Vol. 2.: 683-688; Montpellier (agro).


Reuter, H. I., Wendroth, O.,Kersebaum, K.-C., Schwarz, J. (2001) Solar radiation modelling for precision farming - a feasible approach for better understanding variability of crop production. - In: Third European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 18-20, 2001, Montpellier, France, Vol. 2.: 845-850; Montpellier (agro).


Schwarz, J., Kersebaum, K.-C.,Reuter, H. I., Wendroth, O., Jürschik, P. (2001) Site-specific fertilizer application with regards to soil and plant parameters. - In: Third European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 18-20, 2001, Montpellier, France, Vol. 2.: 713-718; Montpellier (agro).


Wendroth, O., Jürschik, P.,Kersebaum, K.C., Reuter, H. I., van Kessel, C., Nielsen, D. R. (2001) Identifying, understanding, and describing spatial processes in agricultural landscapes - four case studies. Soil & Tillage Research 58, p.113-127.


in Non Refereed Publications


Reuter,H.I, Rodriguez Lado,L., Hengl, T., Montanarella,L. (2008) Continental Scale Digital Soil Mapping using European Soil Profile Data: soil pH. - in Eds: Böhner,J. ,Blaschke,T. and Montanarella,L. SAGA – Seconds Out,&xnbsp; Hamburger Beiträge zur Physischen Geographie und Landschaftsökologie, Heft 19, Universität Hamburg, Institut für Geographie, ISSN: 1866-170X


Reuter,H.I. (2007) Forecasting wind erosion events in Europe - First results of a reanalysis Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.8,EGU2007-A-03908

Funk, R., Engel,W., Hoffmann,C. and Reuter,H.I. (2007) Influence of soil type and soil moisture on PM emissions from soils during tillage. in Torsten Hinz and Karin Tamoschat-Depolt (Eds.) Landbauforschung Völkenrode - Special Issue 308- Particulate Matter in and from Agriculture, ISBN-13: 978-3-86576-032-6, pp.>157-163


Dobos, E., Carré, F., Hengl, T., Reuter,H.I., Tóth, G., (2006) Digital Soil Mapping as a support to production of functional maps. EUR 22123 EN, 68 pp. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxemburg.


Selvaradjou, S-K., Montanarella, L.,Spaargaren, O., Dent, D., Filippi, N. and Reuter, H.I. (2005)European Digital Archive of Soil Maps (EuDASM) - Metadata of the Soil Maps of Latin America and Caribbean islands. European Digital Archive of Soil Maps (EuDASM) - Metadata of the Soil Maps of Latin America and Caribbean islands. EUR 21821 EN 219pp. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

Funk, R.,Reuter, H. I., Hoffmann, C., Völker, L., Öttl, D.(2005) PM10 - Freisetzungspotentiale von Böden. - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (107(2)): 607-608


Kersebaum, K.C., Giebel, A., Lorenz, K., Reuter, H.I., Schwarz, J., Wendroth, O. (2003) Site specific nitrogen fertilization recommendations based on simulation In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.309-314 Germany.

Reuter,H.I.,Wendroth,O., Kersebaum, K.C., Schwarz, J. (2003) MOSAIC: Crop Yield Observation – Can landform stratification improve our understanding of crop yield variability? In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.579-584, Germany.

Reuter, H.I., Kersebaum, K.C., Wendroth,O. (2003) Modelling of solar radiation influenced by topographic shading – Evaluation and Application for precision farming. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.5, No.09638

Wendroth, O., Kersebaum, K.C., Reuter, H.I., Giebel, A., Wypler, N., Heisig, M., Schwarz, J., and Nielsen, D.R. (2003) MOSAIC: Crop yield prediction – compiling several years’ soil and remote sensing information In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.723-729, Germany.

Reuter, H.I., O. Wendroth (2003) TOPO - ein Algorithmus zur Reliefanalyse ? In: Beierkuhnlein (Hrsg.), Landschaften als Lebensraum, Tagungsband zur 4. Jahrestagung der IALE-Region Deutschland, p??-???.


Wendroth,O., Reuter, H. I.,Kersebaum, K.-C., Jürschik, P., Schwarz, J. (2002) Räumliche Variabilität von Boden- und Pflanzenbestandeseigenschaften in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen – Änigma oder Grundlage zur spezifischen Bewirtschaftung ? KTBL - Sonderveröffentlichung 38, 21 – 23


Deumlich, D.,Völker, L. & Reuter, H. I.(2001) Analysis of sediment and nutrient entries by water erosion into the rivers in the Uecker catchment situated in the young pleistocene region in Northeast Germany - In: Melching, C. S. & E. Alp [Hrsg.]: 5th International Conference : Diffuse/ Nonpoint pollution and watershed management: Conference Proceedings, Milwaukee (WI), June 10-15, 2001, Session 3: Geographical information systems and modelling: 9-16 CD; Milwaukee (Marquette University, Institute für Urban Environmental Risk Management).

Schwarz, J., Kersebaum, K.-C., Reuter, H. I., & Wendroth, O.&xnbsp; (2001) Stickstoff gezielt einsetzen - Teilflächenspezifische Stickstoffdüngung unter Berücksichtigung standortspezifischer Parameter. – Landtechnik 56 (5): 320-321.


Reuter,H.I., Kersebaum, K.C., Schwarz, J.,Wendroth, O. (2001) Einstrahlungsmodellierung- ein Ansatz zum Verständnis der Ertragsvariabilität innerhalb von Praxisflächen ? Mitt. Dtsch. Bodenkdl. Ges. 96/1: 109-110.

Reuter, H.I., Kersebaum,K.C., & Wendroth, O. (2001) Einstrahlungsmodellierung – ein Ansatz zum Verständnis der feldskaligen Ertragsvariabilität? In: Beierkuhnlein (Hrsg.), Landschaften als Lebensraum, Tagungsband zur 2. Jahrestagung der IALE-Region Deutschland, p. 48-50.

Wendroth, O.,Reuter, H. I. & Kersebaum, K.-C. (2001) Crop yield prediction: how helpful is soil information. - In: 2001 Annual Meetings, Abstracts, October 21-25, 2001 Charlotte, North Carolina: 133744-P CD; ASA-CSSA-SSSA.


Schwarz, J., Giebel, A.,Heisig, M., Kersebaum, K.-C., Reuter, H. I. & Wendroth, O.&xnbsp; (2000) Teilflächenspezifische Düngung unter Berücksichtigung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Stickstoffvariabilität. - In: Tagung Landtechnik 2000: 307-312; Düsseldorf (VDI-Verlag) (VDI-Berichte; 1544).

Wendroth, O.,Jürschik, P., Giebel, A., Reuter, H. I., Kersebaum, K.-C., Schwarz, J., Heisig, M., Wypler, N. & Nielsen, D. R. (2000) Spatial processes of crop yield, surface soil moisture, and soil nitrogen - considerations of space-time-scale behaviour. - In: "The Role of Soils in Agro-ecosystems": The First Joint Congress of the Soil Science Society of America & the German Soil Science Society, Sept. 18-22, 2000 at Osnabrueck / Germany: S4-O03 CD; Osnabrück (University of Applied Sciences).


Reuter,H.I. (1999) Untersuchungen zur Zwischenrillenerosion – Vergleich von pulsierender und kontinuierlicher Regensimulation, Mitt. Dtsch. Bodenkdl. Ges, 91/3: 1311-1314.