2009 |
Reuter, H.I., Rodriguez Lado, L., Hengl, T., Montanarella,L. (2009) Using DSM data for modeling wind erosion events - bridging the gap between DSM and DSA. (accepted) Developments in Soil Science, Springer Publisher |
2008 |
Rodriguez Lado, L., Hengl, T., Reuter, H.I (2008) Heavy metals in European soils: a geostatistical analysis of the FOREGS Geochemical database. Geoderma, 148(2), 189-199. |
Carre,F., Reuter, H.I., Daroussin, J., Scheurer,O. (2008) From a Large to a Small Scale Soil Map: Top-Down Against Bottom-Up Approaches. in Digital Soil Mapping with Limited Data, edited by Hartemink,A. McBratney,A., Mendonca-Santos, M., Publisher: Springer Science p.203-212, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8591-8 |
Hengl,T., Bajat,B. Blagojević, D. Reuter,H.I. (2008) Geostatistical modeling of topography using auxiliary maps Computers & Geosciences, 34(12), 1886-1899 |
Funk, R., Reuter, H. I., Hoffmann, C., Engel, W., Öttl, D. (2008) Effect of moisture on fine dust emission from tillage operations on agricultural soils. - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.33 (12): 1851-1863 |
Reuter,H.I. Hengl,T. Gessler,P and Soille,P. (2008) Preparation of DEMs for geomorphometric analysis in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459 |
Reuter,H.I. Nelson A. (2008) Geomorphometry in ESRI Packages&xnbsp; in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459 |
Nelson,A. Reuter,H.I. Hengl,T. Gessler,P(2008) DEM production methods and sources in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459 |
Reuter,H.I. Kersebaum, K.C. (2008) Application in Precision Agriculture in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459 |
Gessler,P. Pike,R. MacMillan,R.A. Hengl,T., Reuter,H.I. (2008) The future of geomorphometry in HENGL & REUTER (Eds) Geomorphometry Concepts – Software – Applications, Developments in Soil Science 31, Elsevier, ISBN 9780123743459 |
2007 |
Reuter,H.I. Nelson,A. Jarvis,A. (2007)&xnbsp; An Evaluation of Void-filling Interpolation Methods for SRTM Data - International Jounral of Geographical Information Science, Vol.21, No.9, pages 983-1008 |
Hengl,T. Toomanian,N Reuter,H.I. and Malakouti,M. (2007) Methods to interpolate soil categorical variables from profile observations: Lessons from Iran Geoderma, Volume 140, Issue 4, 15, Pages 417-427 |
Bronstert, A., Kolokotronis, V., Schwandt, D. & Straub, H. (2007) Comparison and evaluation of regional climate scenarios for hydrological impact analysis: General scheme and application example. - Int. J. Climatol. 27, 1579-1594. |
2006 |
Reuter,H.I., Wendroth,O. and Kersebaum, K.C. (2006), Optimisation of relief classification for different levels of generalisation Geomorphology, Volume 77, Issues 1-2, Pages 79-89 |
Deumlich,D., Kiesel,J., Thiere,J., Reuter,H.I., Völker,L. and Funk,R. (2006) Application of the SIte COmparison Method (SICOM) to assess the potential erosion risk — a basis for the evaluation of spatial equivalence of agri-environmental measures CATENA, Volume 68, Issues 2-3, 31 D Pages 141-152 |
Giebel,A Wendroth,O Reuter,H.I. Kersebaum,K.C. Schwarz,J. (2006) How representatively can we sample soil mineral nitrogen? Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 169,1 52-59 |
Funk,R. Reuter,H.I. (2006) Wind Erosion in Europe. In: Soil Erosion in Europe edited by J.Boardman und J. Poesen, Publisher J.Wiley |
Bronstert, A., Kolokotronis, V., Schwandt, D. & Straub, H. (2006): Vergleich und hydrologische Wertung regionaler Klimaszenarien für Süddeutschland. - Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 50, H. 6, 2006, 270-287. |
2005 |
Reuter,H.I. Kersebaum,K.C. and Wendroth,O (2005) Modeling of solar radiation influenced by topographic shading––evaluation and application for precision farming Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C , Volume 30, Issues 1-3, Pages 143-149 |
Reuter,H.I., Giebel,A., Wendroth,O. (2005) Can landform stratification improve our understanding of crop yield variability? Precision Agriculture ,6 p.521-537 |
Kersebaum,K.C., Lorenz,K., Reuter, H.I., Schwarz,J., Wegehenkel,M.and Wendroth,O. (2005) Operational use of agro-meteorological data and GIS to derive site specific nitrogen fertilizer recommendations based on the simulation of soil and crop growth processes Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, Volume 30, Issues 1-3, 2005, Pages 59-67 |
2004 |
Schmidt, R., Deumlich, D. Reuter,H.I. (2004) From point over regions to the landscape- spatial generalisation in the soil landscape research. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Vol. 50(3) p.241-257 |
Deumlich, D., Funk, R., Kiesel, J. Reuter, H.I., Thiere,J. & Voelker,L. (2004) >Application of the site comparison method (VERMOST) to assess the potential erosion risk as a basis to examine instruments of environmental policy – the example of Brandenburg. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Vol. 50(3), p.259-271 |
Deumlich, D., VölKer,L., Reuter, H.I. (2003) Nutzung von Bodendaten in verschiedenen Skalen für Wassererosionsmodelle. Zeitschrift für Landnutzung und Landentwicklung, 5, p.195-201. |
2003 |
Kersebaum, K. C., Giebel, A., Lorenz, K., Reuter, H.I., Schwarz, J., Wendroth, O. (2003) Site specific nitrogen fertilization recommendations based on simulation In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.309-314 Germany. |
Reuter,H.I., Wendroth,O.,Kersebaum, K.C., Schwarz, J. (2003) MOSAIC: Crop Yield Observation – Can landform stratification improve our understanding of crop yield variability? In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.579-584, Germany. |
Wendroth, O., Kersebaum, K.C., Reuter, H.I., Giebel, A., Wypler, N., Heisig, M., Schwarz, J., and Nielsen, D.R. (2003) MOSAIC: Crop yield prediction – compiling several years’ soil and remote sensing information In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.723-729, Germany. |
Wendroth, O., Reuter,H. I., Kersebaum,K.C. (2003) Predicting Yield of Barley across a Landscape: a State-Space Modelling Approach. Journal of Hydrology, 272: 250-263. |
Kersebaum, K. C., reuter,H.I., Lorenz,K., Wendroth, O. (2002) Modelling crop growth and nitrogen dynamics for advisory purposes regarding spatial variability. In: L. Ahuja, L. Ma & T. Howell (eds.): Agricultural system models in field research and technology transfer. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, 227 - 250. |
2002 |
Kersebaum, K.C., Lorenz,K.,Wendroth,O., Reuter,H.I., Schwarz,J.& Jürschik,P. (2001) Effects of site specific nitrogen fertilization on nitrogen leaching - comparison of different strategies in arable fields based on observations and simulations. - In: Third European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 18-20, 2001, Montpellier, France, Vol. 2.: 683-688; Montpellier (agro). |
2001 |
Reuter, H. I., Wendroth, O.,Kersebaum, K.-C., Schwarz, J. (2001) Solar radiation modelling for precision farming - a feasible approach for better understanding variability of crop production. - In: Third European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 18-20, 2001, Montpellier, France, Vol. 2.: 845-850; Montpellier (agro). |
Schwarz, J., Kersebaum, K.-C.,Reuter, H. I., Wendroth, O., Jürschik, P. (2001) Site-specific fertilizer application with regards to soil and plant parameters. - In: Third European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 18-20, 2001, Montpellier, France, Vol. 2.: 713-718; Montpellier (agro). |
Wendroth, O., Jürschik, P.,Kersebaum, K.C., Reuter, H. I., van Kessel, C., Nielsen, D. R. (2001) Identifying, understanding, and describing spatial processes in agricultural landscapes - four case studies. Soil & Tillage Research 58, p.113-127. |
in Non Refereed Publications
2008 |
Reuter,H.I, Rodriguez Lado,L., Hengl, T., Montanarella,L. (2008) Continental Scale Digital Soil Mapping using European Soil Profile Data: soil pH. - in Eds: Böhner,J. ,Blaschke,T. and Montanarella,L. SAGA – Seconds Out,&xnbsp; Hamburger Beiträge zur Physischen Geographie und Landschaftsökologie, Heft 19, Universität Hamburg, Institut für Geographie, ISSN: 1866-170X |
2007 |
Reuter,H.I. (2007) Forecasting wind erosion events in Europe - First results of a reanalysis Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.8,EGU2007-A-03908 |
Funk, R., Engel,W., Hoffmann,C. and Reuter,H.I. (2007) Influence of soil type and soil moisture on PM emissions from soils during tillage. in Torsten Hinz and Karin Tamoschat-Depolt (Eds.) Landbauforschung Völkenrode - Special Issue 308- Particulate Matter in and from Agriculture, ISBN-13: 978-3-86576-032-6, pp.>157-163 |
2006 |
Dobos, E., Carré, F., Hengl, T., Reuter,H.I., Tóth, G., (2006) Digital Soil Mapping as a support to production of functional maps. EUR 22123 EN, 68 pp. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxemburg. |
2005 |
Selvaradjou, S-K., Montanarella, L.,Spaargaren, O., Dent, D., Filippi, N. and Reuter, H.I. (2005)European Digital Archive of Soil Maps (EuDASM) - Metadata of the Soil Maps of Latin America and Caribbean islands. European Digital Archive of Soil Maps (EuDASM) - Metadata of the Soil Maps of Latin America and Caribbean islands. EUR 21821 EN 219pp. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. |
Funk, R.,Reuter, H. I., Hoffmann, C., Völker, L., Öttl, D.(2005) PM10 - Freisetzungspotentiale von Böden. - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (107(2)): 607-608 |
2003 |
Kersebaum, K.C., Giebel, A., Lorenz, K., Reuter, H.I., Schwarz, J., Wendroth, O. (2003) Site specific nitrogen fertilization recommendations based on simulation In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.309-314 Germany. |
Reuter,H.I.,Wendroth,O., Kersebaum, K.C., Schwarz, J. (2003) MOSAIC: Crop Yield Observation – Can landform stratification improve our understanding of crop yield variability? In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.579-584, Germany. |
Reuter, H.I., Kersebaum, K.C., Wendroth,O. (2003) Modelling of solar radiation influenced by topographic shading – Evaluation and Application for precision farming. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.5, No.09638 |
Wendroth, O., Kersebaum, K.C., Reuter, H.I., Giebel, A., Wypler, N., Heisig, M., Schwarz, J., and Nielsen, D.R. (2003) MOSAIC: Crop yield prediction – compiling several years’ soil and remote sensing information In: Fourth European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 15-19, 2003, Berlin, Vol.1, p.723-729, Germany. |
Reuter, H.I., O. Wendroth (2003) TOPO - ein Algorithmus zur Reliefanalyse ? In: Beierkuhnlein (Hrsg.), Landschaften als Lebensraum, Tagungsband zur 4. Jahrestagung der IALE-Region Deutschland, p??-???. |
2002 |
Wendroth,O., Reuter, H. I.,Kersebaum, K.-C., Jürschik, P., Schwarz, J. (2002) Räumliche Variabilität von Boden- und Pflanzenbestandeseigenschaften in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen – Änigma oder Grundlage zur spezifischen Bewirtschaftung ? KTBL - Sonderveröffentlichung 38, 21 – 23 |
2001 |
Deumlich, D.,Völker, L. & Reuter, H. I.(2001) Analysis of sediment and nutrient entries by water erosion into the rivers in the Uecker catchment situated in the young pleistocene region in Northeast Germany - In: Melching, C. S. & E. Alp [Hrsg.]: 5th International Conference : Diffuse/ Nonpoint pollution and watershed management: Conference Proceedings, Milwaukee (WI), June 10-15, 2001, Session 3: Geographical information systems and modelling: 9-16 CD; Milwaukee (Marquette University, Institute für Urban Environmental Risk Management). |
Schwarz, J., Kersebaum, K.-C., Reuter, H. I., & Wendroth, O.&xnbsp; (2001) Stickstoff gezielt einsetzen - Teilflächenspezifische Stickstoffdüngung unter Berücksichtigung standortspezifischer Parameter. – Landtechnik 56 (5): 320-321. |
Reuter,H.I., Kersebaum, K.C., Schwarz, J.,Wendroth, O. (2001) Einstrahlungsmodellierung- ein Ansatz zum Verständnis der Ertragsvariabilität innerhalb von Praxisflächen ? Mitt. Dtsch. Bodenkdl. Ges. 96/1: 109-110. |
Reuter, H.I., Kersebaum,K.C., & Wendroth, O. (2001) Einstrahlungsmodellierung – ein Ansatz zum Verständnis der feldskaligen Ertragsvariabilität? In: Beierkuhnlein (Hrsg.), Landschaften als Lebensraum, Tagungsband zur 2. Jahrestagung der IALE-Region Deutschland, p. 48-50. |
Wendroth, O.,Reuter, H. I. & Kersebaum, K.-C. (2001) Crop yield prediction: how helpful is soil information. - In: 2001 Annual Meetings, Abstracts, October 21-25, 2001 Charlotte, North Carolina: 133744-P CD; ASA-CSSA-SSSA. |
2000 |
Schwarz, J., Giebel, A.,Heisig, M., Kersebaum, K.-C., Reuter, H. I. & Wendroth, O.&xnbsp; (2000) Teilflächenspezifische Düngung unter Berücksichtigung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Stickstoffvariabilität. - In: Tagung Landtechnik 2000: 307-312; Düsseldorf (VDI-Verlag) (VDI-Berichte; 1544). |
Wendroth, O.,Jürschik, P., Giebel, A., Reuter, H. I., Kersebaum, K.-C., Schwarz, J., Heisig, M., Wypler, N. & Nielsen, D. R. (2000) Spatial processes of crop yield, surface soil moisture, and soil nitrogen - considerations of space-time-scale behaviour. - In: "The Role of Soils in Agro-ecosystems": The First Joint Congress of the Soil Science Society of America & the German Soil Science Society, Sept. 18-22, 2000 at Osnabrueck / Germany: S4-O03 CD; Osnabrück (University of Applied Sciences). |
1999 |
Reuter,H.I. (1999) Untersuchungen zur Zwischenrillenerosion – Vergleich von pulsierender und kontinuierlicher Regensimulation, Mitt. Dtsch. Bodenkdl. Ges, 91/3: 1311-1314. |